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Sector Name : PLUMBING
WBSCTVESD Course Code : STC-PLM/NSQF-2022/3002,V2
NQR Code : QG-03-PL-00091-2023-V1-WBSC
Course Duration : Min : 600 Hours

Course Structure
Learning Outcome Learning Outcome Code Compulsory/Elective Duration (Hours)
Apply Safe Working Practices PLM/3002/OC1 Compulsory 30
Identify Hand tools and fittings. PLM/3002/OC2 Compulsory 30
Identify various types of taps, valves. PLM/3002/OC3 Compulsory 30
Understand diagrams and drawings used for plumbing and sanitary works PLM/3002/OC4 Compulsory 30
Identify different layout of plumbing and sanitary pipe networks. PLM/3002/OC5 Compulsory 30
Detect damage in taps, pipelines, sanitary pipe, plumbing pipe and suggest rectification /repair PLM/3002/OC6 Compulsory 60
: Install the pipe connection to Septic Tanks and well type toilet. PLM/3002/OC7 Compulsory 60
Construct septic tank, soak well, well type’s toilets as per drawing. PLM/3002/OC8 Compulsory 60
Perform gas welding in metal pipes. PLM/3002/OC9 Compulsory 60
OJT PLM/3002/OC10 Compulsory 150
Employability Skill-60 Hrs DGT/VSQ/N0102 Compulsory 60
Supporting Documents