Course Name : BEE KEEPING, V2 (BEKPA (V2))
WBSCTVESD Course Code : STC - AGR/2021/0209,V2
Course Duration : 390 Hours
Learning Outcome |
Learning Outcome Code |
Compulsory/Elective |
Duration (Hours) |
Maintain safety at the Apiary |
AGR/0209/OC1 |
Compulsory |
30 |
Illustrate manufacturing and handling of bee box |
AGR/0209/OC2 |
Compulsory |
30 |
Explain bee keeping, its importance, its season wise nectar and pollen producing plants and the products obtained |
AGR/0209/OC3 |
Compulsory |
30 |
Illustrate the life cycle of honey bee i.e. about its species, casts, nesting behavior, its relation with flowers, its nectar and pollen collecting organs and related diseases, parasites and predators |
AGR/0209/OC4 |
Compulsory |
30 |
Demonstrate methods of bee keeping involving arranging bee boxes, following artificial feeding methods at dearth period, extraction of honey and maintenance of hygiene |
AGR/0209/OC5 |
Compulsory |
30 |
Explain the seasonal management of Bee colony through management practices, methods of swarming control and swarm catch and appropriate time and methods of queen replacement |
AGR/0209/OC6 |
Compulsory |
30 |
Demonstrate Queen rearing in honey bee |
AGR/0209/OC7 |
Compulsory |
30 |
Enlist the products obtained from bee keeping and processing, packaging and preservation |
AGR/0209/OC8 |
Compulsory |
30 |
Demonstrate Quality testing of honey and prepare related project on it |
AGR/0209/OC9 |
Compulsory |
30 |
AGR/0209/OC10 |
Compulsory |
60 |
Employability Skill |
DGT/VSQ/N0102 |
Compulsory |
60 |